Saturday, November 6, 2010

2010 SKA Nationals Awards Ceremony

Sea Drag'n Fishing Team placed 9th overall in the SKA Nationals this year in Ft. Pierce, Florida.

Here are a few pictures of the Sea Drag'n Fishing Team during and after the awards ceremony on Saturday, November 6 in Ft. Pierce, Florida.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sea Drag'n Places 9th in SKA Nationals!

The Sea Drag'n fishing team headed down to Ft. Pierce, Florida for the SKA Nationals and found out the trip was well worth the long haul. The crew weighed in two fish today one weighing 32.57 lbs. and the second fish weighing 24.20 lbs for a total weight of 56.77 lbs.

The above picture is of the fish they didn't weigh in. We hope to have more pictures soon so be sure to check back. Visit the SKA site to view all of the winners.